Double Wall Leak Detection
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has directed underground transport of hazardous materials be protected from release into the environment in its Standard 40 CFR, Part 280 & 281. Our Duo-Pro®, Poly-Flo®, Pro-Lock®, Fluid-Lok® and Chem Prolok® systems have been specifically engineered to exceed the piping system requirements of the EPA. However, an important additional aspect of the EPA requirement is the specification for leak detection systems in all buried systems.
Pressurized systems must have automated leak detection, which are wired to shut-off valves in case a leak is detected, and drainage systems shall have at least a manual leak-detection system in place. Leak detection employment should also be considered in applications beyond those required by the EPA. In short, all double contained piping systems should have some form of leak detection. The issue then becomes how to properly select a means of leak detection.
A basic leak detection decision making-matrix should include:
What EPA requirements, if any, apply
- Is the system pressurized or drainage
- If buried, is it under concrete or other difficult to access locations
- Is the media transported over work stations/areas (safety concerns)
- Will the system be buried
- What are the potential safety hazards associated with media exposure
- How important is location of the leak in terms of costs of potential repair
- Is manual leak detection possible